Wakana Kaneiwa

I'm a UI/UX designer with 5 years of experience based in Vancouver, BC. I have a strong interest in data-driven UX design, finding it both challenging and rewarding to find optimal design solutions through data analysis.

I'm a UI/UX designer with 5 years of experience based in Vancouver, BC. I have a strong interest in data-driven UX design, finding it both challenging and rewarding to find optimal design solutions through data analysis.

Other Case Studies

Due to confidentiality agreements with past employers, I can only share limited case studies from my work history. If you would like to see more examples of my work, please feel free to contact me via email or LinkedIn.




How did I get here?

My interest in UI/UX design started when I was working for an IT company in Tokyo. I was fascinated by the potential power of designs to influence user behaviour and help business success. My career goal is to become a data-driven UI/UX designer with strong analytical skills.

My value as a designer

  • Diligent: I'm hardworking and self-managed.

  • Detail-oriented: I pay attention to every aspect of my work.

  • Curious: I never stop learning, willing to learn new tools and technologies.
