Ambassador Recruitment Site

This is a case study in which I designed and coded an ambassador recruitment site for a Japanese online retailer from May to October 2023, using a data-driven approach.

Mock-ups of Ambassadpr

My Role

UI/UX Designer


Solo Project

The Business Problem

The company primarily sold its products on Amazon but aimed to boost sales on its official website to decrease advertising costs. As a strategy to enhance brand recognition, we decided to start an ambassador program.

My Role

My responsibility was to design and develop a recruitment site that could recruit influencers as ambassadors for the company every month. Additionally, as it was a solo project, I had full control over its design process and KPI (such as the number of ambassadors hired).

The Solution

I prioritized speed and decided to launch the recruitment site within the first month, refining it based on user feedback and data. This is because I thought it would be more efficient to release the site early and improve it through user behavior data, rather than spending time designing the perfect site.

Measuring Success

To clearly define the project's goals and measure progress, I began by setting KPIs while consulting with Instagram experts to evaluate whether the conditions were suitable and gathering feedback from the CEO.

Within 3 months:
  • Attracting more than 10 applicants monthly.
  • Hiring a minimum of 3 applicants who not only fulfill the conditions but also align their reasons for application and personal taste with the brand image.
    • Followers: 5,000 or more
    • Engagement rate: 1% or higher
    • Average number of reel views: 10,000 or more(based on the last 10)

First Design

I developed low-fidelity prototypes in Figma to convey the initial design concept and present it to the CEO and other stakeholders to gather feedback in the early stages. After that, I moved on to creating high-fidelity prototypes, including the finalized UI.

First Design

Measurement & Findings

In this ambassador recruitment site project, I measured and analyzed the following aspects using Google Analytics and user interviews to meet the KPIs.

  • The number of Applications:
    • The number of applicants fell short of the KPI, and many applicants did not meet requirements such as the number of followers and engagement rate.
    • To increase the number of applicants meeting the set requirements, I needed to adjust the design to be more targeted.
  • Device, Default Channel, UV:
    • Over 80% of users accessed via mobile devices, and more than 70% of traffic originated from social media.
    • Following the ambassador recruitment post on Instagram, there was a significant increase in UV, indicating Instagram as the main source of traffic.
    • To further increase traffic from Instagram, I set up highlights and pined the ambassador recruitment post.
  • User Feedback:
    • In order to understand the needs of influencers meeting the requirements, I conducted user interviews.
    • I noticed that these types of influencers are busy and work on multiple projects, so they prefer straightforward activities that can be quickly understood, along with clear rewards directly linked to earning money.


Based on the above information, I made the following changes to the website. The primary focus was on targeting influencers who meet the requirements. I effectively utilized icons and images and adjusted the layout to present rewards and activities in a way that appears more attractive to them.



As a result of the above improvements, this project was able to achieve the KPIs within three months. After that, both the number of applicants and hires continued to increase, with the number of applicants more than tripling (360%), and the number of hires doubling by October.



In this project, I realized the importance of designing with a data-driven approach. By actively monitoring performance and gathering user feedback, I was able to make necessary improvements to achieve our goals. For future projects, I would like to explore other tools such as heat map tools and A/B test tools to enhance user experience based on data.

Tools Used

Tools Used